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PostPosted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 6:47 am 
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+∞ to what everyone has already written. Sad news indeed. Irrespective of where the future takes you, I wish you the best of luck.

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 8:33 am 
Brazilian Rosewood
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It's quite overwhelming to read the responses and PM's. Thank you all so much for the kind thoughts and wishes.
Ken McKay, I did go through one of those "remissive" times a couple of years back where I felt better, but don't know about this time. I am going to rehab and working very hard to try to get my lung muscular capacity improved, but the A-fib set me back a couple of weeks. Now, I am back to the hard work at rehab. When not there, I walk a mile a day, keeping my O2 level at 88-90% with 6-8 liters. It's a slow walk. I have an elliptical too, and try to do 30 minutes on that when the weather is inclement.
To the rest of you that know little about COPD, it's degenerative disease and every cold you get generally makes it worse. I've pretty much stopped going anywhere, and when I do, I'm always reaching for the hand cleaning sheets and avoiding shaking hands, no hugs. Lung transplants are pretty much out as we looked into it, but the surgeon we saw said they will get you about 5 years. I may try to look into lung reduction surgery where they take the rotten parts of your lungs out to make room for the good parts. I guess I have what is known as CO2 retention, meaning I can't get the CO2 out.
I've had this disease for a good 15 years, maybe longer, you don't really know when it starts. All of a sudden you start to feel a little winded when going up a flight of stairs or you notice you are out of breath when running. I think everyone that has it would like to say it wasn't from smoking, but they are only fooling themselves. That said, what we all do here is a huge factor in developing COPD. Fumes are more horrid than you could ever imagine, and dust is just as bad. Folks use dryer sheets that stink to high heaven and are full of deadly chemicals. We walk around our beautiful lakes in Minneapolis and are assaulted by folks wearing cheap perfume. That's just a bunch of deadly chemicals also, but folks don't realize it.
We have a tendency to think that we are superhuman, but something like COPD or a heart attack will set you in your place fast. Here on OLF, we see a lot of threads about my new bandsaw or sander, but very little is ever said about spending a bunch of bucks on dust collecting or getting a spray booth. A fan in a window doesn't do it. Neither does waterborne finish. It's also full of chemicals.
Most of us don't have a vented room where offgassing instruments can dry, and epoxy and CYA, EVEN "oderless" CYA is not good for your lungs. I use to work for a store fixture manufacturer and they had a very good spray booth, but the shoved the cabinets out into the shop to offgas and every day I went home with huge headaches and by Fridays, well, it took me all weekend to recover.
OK, rant over, and I hope you all take it to heart. I'll continue to post here, as I like reading the questions and answers and will contribute when I can. I'll leave it to you folks to let me know when I'm not coherent anymore...
I'm not ready to sell off the shop tools and wood yet. I'll be sure and let you all know when that time comes.
As far as the book, I'm working on it. Not a wordy guy myself, and probably will have a tough time getting it to even 100 pages, but there will be lots of photos, and basically a step by step guide to building Larsons and Stellas. I think there will be enough information to allow just about anyone with the basic instrument skills to build a guitar with all my numbers. It's pretty much a no nonsense, no speculation, no waxing poetic book.
Thanks again, folks for all your kind support. I've been struggling with this condition for a long time and I'm not ready to step out of the canoe yet. My wife and I knew this was coming (just not so fast) and so I do have back ups to keep me occupied. I will continue with my photography, reading, and for sure, walking...

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 9:02 am 
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As far as the book, I'm working on it. Not a wordy guy myself, and probably will have a tough time getting it to even 100 pages, but there will be lots of photos, and basically a step by step guide to building Larsons and Stellas. I think there will be enough information to allow just about anyone with the basic instrument skills to build a guitar with all my numbers. It's pretty much a no nonsense, no speculation, no waxing poetic book.

There are people out there that specialize in helping people write books , Ally White in Nashville comes to mind . Just an Option if it gets to that point . I look forward to seeing your next creative work no matter the form !

The Shallower the depth of the stream , The Louder the Babble !
The Taking Of Offense Is the Life Course Of The Stupid One !
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The truth will set you free , But FIRST, it will probably Piss you Off !
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The Saddest thing anyone can do , is push a Loyal Person to the point that they Dont Care Anymore
Never met a STRONG person who had an EASY past ! ... rAssembly/

These users thanked the author WudWerkr for the post: Haans (Sat Apr 18, 2015 7:53 am)
PostPosted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 9:19 am 
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That is such bad news. I'm sorry. I hope your health improves. Certainly your health takes priority. Thanks for all your participation on the forum.

These users thanked the author Ed Haney for the post: Haans (Sat Apr 18, 2015 7:53 am)
PostPosted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 1:43 pm 

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Of all the awesome builders on this forum, your builds are about my favorite. I was really hoping to see what those pyramid 12 string bridges get stuck to soon. Like everyone else here, I'll be wishing for another remission and improved health for you. The book is a great idea, and best of luck with that project, or whatever else you do next.

These users thanked the author Greg B for the post: Haans (Sat Apr 18, 2015 7:53 am)
PostPosted: Fri Apr 17, 2015 6:01 pm 
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Hanns - first of all "Thank You" for all of the thoughtful and meaningful contributions to this forum and for sharing your lovely instruments with us. Second, I am really sorry to hear about your inability to continue - I know you have struggled for a long time - my heart goes out to you. I hope you find a way to be comfortable and happy going forward.

Please do the book. I wish there was a way to help out on that so it would happen.

"Building guitars looks hard, but it's actually much harder than it looks." Tom Buck

These users thanked the author SteveCourtright for the post: Haans (Sat Apr 18, 2015 7:53 am)
PostPosted: Fri Apr 17, 2015 6:29 pm 
Brazilian Rosewood
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Hi Haans,

Sorry to hear this news...

I also want to Thank You for your contribution and support. Whenever I posted something you always gave me sage advice and words of encouragement.

When I first got into ladder braced guitars I scoured the internet looking for information-there was not much. Then I saw what you were doing and it really got me excited! I love your esthetic, especially the purfling and inlay.

A couple of years ago you offered to sell some of the beautiful purfling you made to people on this forum. I purchased some and have recently finished the guitar (will post it soon) using it. I feel it is one of the purdiest instruments that I have ever made. People who see it always comment on it and I tell them that Haans Brentrup made it.


These users thanked the author Brad Goodman for the post: Haans (Sat Apr 18, 2015 7:52 am)
PostPosted: Fri Apr 17, 2015 7:09 pm 

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Hello Haans,

Sorry to hear about your health issues. I have an old and dear friend and colleague struggling with similar issues as you right now, but she has been battling MS for 20 years. She is one of the finest hammered dulcimer makers on the planet. You are not alone. She has had to face the reality that she can no longer continue and has to break up her workshop and sell the wood stash. I bought some of the wood, but there were tears so it is really hard after many years in the shop, even though ending it was inevitable and expected. Please write the book, we are encouraging my friend to write her book as well, although MS affects the memory so she is finding that difficult to do. Like you she has been saving the book for when she could no longer continue making instruments, so don't leave it too late. Sounds like you are doing all the right things, so best of luck from me.


These users thanked the author peter.coombe for the post: Haans (Sat Apr 18, 2015 7:52 am)
PostPosted: Fri Apr 17, 2015 10:19 pm 
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Gee Haans...
I don't know how old you are, I thought you were about my age, 63, and that you must have paid a lot more attention to your building, because they looked so much better than mine, and like me you figured you would die building in the shop. I hope staying out of the dust helps. Maybe you could just carve wood and not sand anything. I suppose I will be writing the same story as you, shortly, I hope not, but even I won't live forever. Good wishes to you.


These users thanked the author David Newton for the post: Haans (Sat Apr 18, 2015 7:52 am)
PostPosted: Sat Apr 18, 2015 7:50 am 
Brazilian Rosewood
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Thanks again guys, ALL of you.
Big, I really don't have a problem writing, Most folks that would want the book know most of the building techniques anyway, so I'm mostly just writing about how I do it.
Brad, you are one of the few that I value for the fact that you are willing to step out of the box, Still have a lot of that purfling and will be selling that off at some point. Love to see the photos of your instrument!
Peter, I can empathize with your friend. We knew it would come and there have been a few tears in the middle of the night here too. It's basically the 5 stages of grief, and I'm into the depressive/regret part. Keeping the positive thoughts going though and you guys all are helping with all your kind thoughts.
David, I'm 68 pushing 69. I really haven't been in the shop since November, and staying away from the dust and fumes is a definite help. Went to 2 Dr's yesterday, one for a Zio patch that monitors my heart for 14 days and the other a rehab Dr that was encouraging, but I doubt I will recover as much as he "colored " it. Shoving 6-8 liters of O2 up yer nose just to walk won't get it.
I just hope everyone that my be facing a similar position in the future will take stock earlier, pick your projects and quit before it hits you. Walking around with a tube up your nose really sucks, especially a long one in the house. Still hoping to finish 5 instruments with the help (hopefully) from someone from the Red Wing Instrument school.
Wish I could write each one of you individually, but I hope my thanks to you ALL will suffice. Just so busy right now with rehab and Dr's visits nearly every day, and nurses come to the house to check up on me. Thank God it's Saturday and nice out. I believe we will go to the Eloise Butler wildflower garden, a wilderness in the heart of Minneapolis.


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PostPosted: Sat Apr 18, 2015 9:04 am 
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Hi Haans. I am sorry to hear about your heath problems. It sounds like your COPD has made you sensitive to most chemicals. I wanted to suggest something that has helped me in the past. Large amounts of Vit. C. You need much more than most people get. Check out the Vitamin C foundation website. Other vitamins are also important. Most drugs deplete our c stores. People can not make there own Vit C although almost all other animals can. Vit. C must be replenished every day. If you go to the C foundation you can learn some of the great things about this essential substance that doctors will never tell you about.


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PostPosted: Sat Apr 18, 2015 9:08 am 
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I cannot say how much it grieves me to read this post. I have refrained from comment for several days because I have just not known what to say.
So, in an effort to keep things positive I will say this:
1) Your "keep it simple" philosophy has resounded with me deeply.
2) In my opinion, you have the best purfs in the game bar none.
3) From the pics I have seen, your fit and finish is top notch.
4) That black/grey mando I have seen in the photos on your site is one of the most ridiculously beautiful instruments I have ever seen.
5) I have always dreamed of spending a summer or at least a jaunt studying and building an instrument with you. I guess I have to put that dream aside now, but I want you to know that it still burns strongly within me.
6) I am an academic by trade, and have many many times assisted with the construction of texts. If there is anything I can do to assist you, please feel free to ask.
7) You have one kick A$$ first name. :)

Peace and health be with you brother.

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 18, 2015 9:28 am 

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I wish you the best and hope you will be feeling better. I really appreciate all of the photos and information you have shared over the years. All of my woodworking and especially my guitars are better because of you.



These users thanked the author windsurfer for the post: Haans (Sun Apr 19, 2015 7:45 am)
PostPosted: Sat Apr 18, 2015 12:15 pm 

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I don't post here a lot, given that I think there are many people here more knowledgeable than me about all things guitar related. But on this occasion I feel I have to chime in.
Hans, your work has always been an inspiration for me, so I am really sad to hear you have to quit building guitars. I truly hope you recover, and definitely don't let your knowledge go to waste. I know that I for one have always taken your views to heart.
Best of luck,

These users thanked the author warmong for the post: Haans (Sun Apr 19, 2015 7:44 am)
PostPosted: Sat Apr 18, 2015 10:08 pm 

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I'm fairly new to guitar building and even newer here to the forums, so I just want to say I am truly sorry. But please write that book! I'm a younger guy in my early 30's and we need experienced people to pass along their advice on the craft. Maybe one day I'll be able to help those new in the craft and pass along what others taught me!

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 11:04 pm 
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Since you probably are finding yourself with a bit of free time on your hands Haans :? , and there are quite a few newer people here that have never had the opportunity to see many of your fine instruments and photo skills, how about a few (lots) of pics of your work. I'd love to see you put together a separate thread of your guitar and mando builds over the years. All your builds I have seen over the years have been inspirational to say the least but your mandos really do it for me. Could be a little teaser for "The Book". Couple of "how ya dunit" shots of purfs wouldn't hurt.

Just a thought.


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PostPosted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 2:10 am 
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Oh man, I'm sorry to hear that, Haans. I've learned so much from your insights here. I'm about to order a supplied air respirator myself. Hopefully it'll buy me a few years...

Ken Jones
Mountain Song Guitars

Mountain Song Guitars

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 7:47 am 
Brazilian Rosewood
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Thanks so much folks!
Hans, now I know why I have to use 2 a's...thanks for all the kind words.
Danny, maybe in the future, but I really don't have much time right now, with all the Dr. visits, nurses, tests, rehab, etc. Just trying to get up in the morning and do my mile.

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 12:03 pm 
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Very sorry to hear this news, Haans. Your instruments have been some of my very favorites. Love to watch your work progress. I'll be hoping you feel better in the near future.


These users thanked the author cwood8656 for the post: Haans (Tue Apr 21, 2015 7:04 am)
PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 8:29 am 
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Haans I am very sorry to hear about your illness. I have always been an admirer of your work. Loved what you could do with white oak. I wish you the very best and hope you will recover enough to led a descent life. I also have COPD but not as serious as yours YET. 2 inhalers every day. Too much sawdust and smoking & chemicals over the years. I used to do a lot of formica work. Fumes from the glue would make me so light headed I could just about make my way up the stairs from the basement. Nuts!! Why do we always have to learn the hard way?
Again I hope things go well. God Bless

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 3:56 pm 

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Very sad news, your comments on the forum and instruments have been very inspiring. Crowd fund the book, get a bit of cash and maybe then some help writing, photographing and compiling / editing it?

PostPosted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 6:10 am 
Brazilian Rosewood
Brazilian Rosewood

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Thanks so much Bob, sorry to hear you have it too. Yup, cigarettes, dust and way to much fumes. I used to go home with huge headaches every day when I was a cabinetmaker. They would shove freshly sprayed cabinets right out into the shop!
Well, I'm sick of this tired old world anyway, time for a new universe...
Mike, I'm actually pretty well along on the guitar book, and just looking for an ending. Probably a gallery of sorts. Don't really need any help with writing or photography as it will be what I am. I think I will just publish a few at a time and see how it goes. Not in it for the buck anyway.

Oh yea, happy Earth Day...

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 7:15 am 
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Your instruments have been a huge influence on me - love watching your guitars progress. Count me in for a book!

Good luck!


PostPosted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 11:54 am 
Brazilian Rosewood
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This morning on the news I saw a lab where they are growing lungs in a jar. They have transplanted lungs into a pig that seems to be doing fine. Go figure

Beautiful and unusual tone woods at a reasonable price.
The Zootman
1109 Military Rd.
Kenmore, NY 14217
(716) 874-1498

PostPosted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 4:16 pm 
Brazilian Rosewood
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Just a bit of fun, but sounds like a Monty Python skit...

Eric Idle:"Can I have a jar of pigs lungs please?"

John Cleese: "Sorry, we're just out of pigs lungs, would a nice sheeps lung do? They are very fine this spring."

Eric Idle: "What! You are out of pigs lungs? I just heard they were transplanting an new batch on the newz!"

John Cleese: "Yes you see, but those are for the pigs. They've been on the waiting list for years."

Eric Idle: "Yes, but they are being grown for humans!"

John Cleese: "Right then, you go ahead and tell that to the pigs..."

Eric Idle: " Yes, but my father is dying and needs pigs lungs!"

John Cleese: " Right, you can tell that to the pigs too."

Eric Idle: "But they're just pigs...."

John Cleese: "That's exactly what the pigs have been saying about humans!"

They would probably be out of my price range anyway and I doubt Fedicare would pay for it and neither would Blue Cross.
At any rate, I doubt I will be holding my breath waiting...snort!

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